Friday Ramble, April 2nd

I’m going back to the office today, which means re-learning what it’s like to be out of my apartment by a certain time each morning. I definitely don’t miss the days of having to squeeze a run in before 7am.

I’m a routine-oriented person for the most part, so I’m not sure how easy it will be to adjust to a hybrid model of working. It sounds like something I’d like on paper, but I imagine it will be difficult to have to plan out each week or day on its own. Monday work from home, Tuesday office, etc… I’ll forget my lunch a lot in the early days.

But I’m excited! It feels exactly like I used to feel when I was able to work from home or when my team had something special going on for the day. Any opportunity to wear a t-shirt in the office felt like a field trip, and that’s how going into the office now feels. I was coordinating my return with some friends from work, and one said: “it’s still funny to me… planning to go to work.” And it’s really been a strange sensation, getting to pick and choose whether I go in.

One major downside is my morning time, which for the past year I’ve split between running and writing. Now I will have to choose between the two, and I know I will choose running. I just can’t function well in an office all day if I haven’t stretched my legs on a run. And I get way too anxious about missing a workout in the evening if things come up that are out of my control.

So I’m not sure what that means for this Friday Ramble, which has required some free time Friday morning to write. It may get put on the back burner, or maybe move to another day in the week when I can force myself to write something at night. We will see. Then again, Fridays are most likely the one day in the week when I’ll be sure to work from home. Like I said, too much up in the air for someone like me who loves their routine!

But it’s 6am now and I have to head out for my run…


Semi-regular thoughts on the good life and personal growth.